As many of you know, the Airbus aircraft in MSFS have an issue with Engine 2 turning off when the center fuel tanks run out of fuel. The community's workaround has been to turn off the center fuel tank pumps before the tank runs out of fuel.
This morning, I explored the SDK, and I rewrote the code in the flight_tuning.cfg file to fix this issue. This code is a trigger that will detect when the Center fuel tank reaches at or below 440lbs (65.67 gallons) (I researched from Airbus that minimum fuel allowed in center tanks are 20kg-200kg) and will automatically turn off both center tank fuel pumps. Furthermore, I have corrected the triggers for the Left Inner and Right Inner fuel tanks to properly open and close the fuel transfer valves when the tanks are at or below 250 gallons.
To install the code, with Notepad, open the flight_tuning.cfg file located in any of your Asobo Airbus or LatinVFR Airbus aircraft simobject folders. Make a backup of the file and name it flight_tuning_BAK.cfg.
Scroll down below [FUEL_SYSTEM] until you see Trigger.1. Copy and paste the code below to overwrite the code in your flight_tuning.cfg. Click File, Save As, Save as type: All Files, and overwrite the old flight_tuning.cfg. You must do this for each and every Airbus you plan to fly.
Trigger.1 = Name:CenterAutoCutoff#Target:Center#Threshold:65.67#Condition:TankQuantityBelow#EffectTrue:StopPump.CenterTankPump1,StopPump.CenterTankPump2
Trigger.2 = Name:LeftAutoValve#Target:LeftInner#Threshold:250#Condition:TankQuantityBelow#EffectTrue:OpenValve.LeftTransferValve1,OpenValve.LeftTransferValve2#EffectFalse:CloseValve.LeftTransferValve1,CloseValve.LeftTransferValve2
Trigger.3 = Name:RightAutoValve#Target:RightInner#Threshold:250#Condition:TankQuantityBelow#EffectTrue:OpenValve.RightTransferValve1,OpenValve.RightTransferValve2#EffectFalse:CloseValve.RightTransferValve1,CloseValve.RightTransferValve2
Trigger.4 = Condition:Autostart_Enabled#EffectTrue:OpenValve.LeftEngineValve,OpenValve.RightEngineValve,OpenValve.CrossFeedValve,OpenValve.APUValve,StartPump.CenterTankPump1,StartPump.LeftInnerTankPump1,StartPump.RightInnerTankPump1,StartPump.CenterTankPump2,StartPump.LeftInnerTankPump2,StartPump.RightInnerTankPump2,StartPump.APUPump
Trigger.5 = Condition:Autoshutdown_Enabled#EffectTrue:CloseValve.LeftEngineValve,CloseValve.RightEngineValve,CloseValve.CrossFeedValve,CloseValve.APUValve,StopPump.CenterTankPump1,StopPump.LeftInnerTankPump1,StopPump.RightInnerTankPump1,StopPump.CenterTankPump2,StopPump.LeftInnerTankPump2,StopPump.RightInnerTankPump2
Leave a comment and let me know if it worked for you or if you have any issues.
Enjoy, and please give me credit if you decide to share this information with others.