Occasionally, you may encounter an issue where the EZdok camera seems to override the controls when you are editing vehicle locations with GSX.
You may notice that you aren't able to enter slew mode, and it most likely has to do with your aircraft. Try to enter slew mode to move your aircraft around the airport. If it doesn't allow you to by pressing the Slew Mode on/off key (Y or whatever key you've assigned), that is the issue you will need to resolve.
In order to resolve it, reload your aircraft, and try to enter slew mode again. You should now be able to move your aircraft around with your slew keys. Now try to edit your vehicle locations with GSX. EZdok should no longer override the controls.
EZdok commands should disable when slew is activated. The GSX vehicle location editor uses slew mode to edit the vehicle positions. If you aren't able to enter slew mode, then you will be unable to edit those vehicle positions, but EZdok will work as normal. That's why it will seem as if EZdok is overriding the controls.
The problem isn't either GSX or EZDok, but the fact your aircraft isn't allowing you to enter slew mode. I've found this to be an issue will Carenado (unknown reason... possibly open doors) and Black Box Simulation aircraft (when ground power is connected).